Friday 26 April 2013


For some time now I have been meaning to make a start on a quilt for my daughter. Before Christmas, I started to cut out some squares for a nine patch and then left it for a while, life got in the way. I picked them up again last week and realised I made a massive boob, I blame the lack of sleep from when I cut them due to my newborn. I had allowed the seam allowance but only for one side, an experienced quilter/ sewer may have been able to to still use the pieces but I want to do things ‘by the book’ and have it as perfect as I can manage. I thought that I would have all these small squares of fabric wasted, although I could save them for applique pieces but everything would then be quite samey. I thought about finishing, batting and binding then it occurred to me they are big enough to use as bias binding- woo no wasted fabric and it will give the quilt a nice finish too.
Keep checking back for progress and photos!

Thanks for reading, N