Although this atrocious weather is nothing to lift the spirits or smile about, today left me happy.
It is nearly Christmas and apart from a few main food things, we are there, presents bought, wrapped and under the tree where pip has left them well alone (for now!)
After a hectic morning where pip just refused to get dressed, we left the house late to get to pre school which left me sprinting across the forest. Luckily I have a very good phil and teds pram so can go all terrain and a bit of cardio is always good for you to work off the Christmas chocolates and mince pies!
Pip is still settling into pre school and as soon as we walked through the gates, the tears started and I dropped her off with her keyworker, leading to wailing and me feeling awful and guilty. We bought in some carrots for the guinea pigs as last time she was settled with them and encouraged her to go and find them and give them their special Christmas carrots.
I then went into the village to do some jobs and went up to the local children’s centre to spend some one on one time with jellybean which is a rarity. I had a nice time having a cuddle and with him gurgling and laughing at me.
When I picked up pip, her keyworker came up to me for a chat and told me that was her best session yet, she sat with the guinea pigs for 20 minutes and after that there were no more tears and she even painted some pictures for home which are now proudly festooned along my mantle. For her to enjoy her day like this really made me happy as I was worried about her and we went home with a spring in my step.
After lunch when the kiddies were both asleep, I had a call from the local hospital where I delivered jellybean as I had gone to a breastfeeding support group before I left. She asked me how everything was going and just a curtousy call. I told her about the problems I had when I went home and as I had anaemia from a big blood loss she said that in itself would have restricted my milk production which explains why he was so greedy. I admitted to her that after engorgement, mastitis and thrush, I was on the edge of giving up breastfeeding but every time I came to I was in tears so just struggled through.
With her encouragement and words of congratulations, put an even bigger smile on my face and it occurred to me that at this time of year a nice gesture, compliment or beaming smile can make most peoples day so let’s try to be smiley happy people. X